Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lie Lie Lie

Lie to Me has become one of my favorite tv serials. Well, it is basically like any typical detective story: murders, hidden scandal behind murders, etc (yeah, what else you can ask from a detective?). But the interesting point is how the main protagonist, Dr. Lightman, solve the riddle: he can tell if somebody is lying by seeing his/her face.

I believe everybody in this world has ever told lie for at least once in their lifetime, (and I assure you politicians can have done it couple times better than us). We tell lies, but at the same time we condemn to be lied. For those of you, who is tired of being manipulated, you should learn about microexpression to Dr. Lightman (or Dr. Paul Ekman to be precise).

"A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans according to emotions experienced." (Wikipedia)

Microexpressions are non-verbal communication that usually show up naturally when we are in risky situations. Unlike regular facial expressions, it is difficult for us to fake them. But it is almost as difficult as to recognize them, because they appear so fast, only 1/25 of a second. They express seven universal emotions: disgustangerfear,sadnesshappinesssurprise, and contempt. Scientific research said that every human shows the same microexpressions while giving those emotions. Like how your eyebrows drown down when you feel angry, wrinkle in your forehead if you feel sad. They are universal signs that do not defined by  race, nationality, or culture. Dr. Paul Ekman study revealed that there are people in this world who can detect deception naturally, they call them "Truth Wizard" (or "natural" in Lie to Me).

Interesting, huh? If you're not interested enough, you should try to watch Lie to Me and let it convince you, hehe. You can also test your lie detecting ability here and here. Don't forget to post the result on the comment section below :)

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