Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Information Security Management Class

The topic was about antivirus to protect information security.

Mr. R (ISM lecturer): Who use Windows in this class? *raising hand*
(Mr. R and almost all of us raised our hands)
Mr. R: Now, who use Windows, but don't install antivirus in their computers?
(Mr. R raised his hand, none of us raised our hands)
Mr. R: Ah, it's only me?

Err.. I guess we were talking about security, Sir.
My lecturer is so funny. LOL.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Talk to the Screen

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Selection

Karena tuntutan ekonomi dan hasrat BM (Banyak Mau), akhirnya saya ikutan jadi pengawas SIMAK-UI (Seleksi Masuk Universitas Indonesia). Kebetulan saya ditempatin di salah satu sekolah swasta di Bekasi, which is deket sama rumah, dan asiknya 'fee'-nya lebih oke :-P

Ngawasin orang ujian pretty much less troublesome dibandingin ngerjain ujian itu sendiri. Saya masih inget rasanya waktu SPMB dulu, deg-degan parah.. pingin nangis pas liat soal fisika.. bawa permen buat jaga-jaga kalau ngantuk (which were left uneaten).

And the best part on that glorious day was I was not late. When the test had already begun, two boys came in and one of them did 'salim' to me. I shrugged my shoulder. They had to be very jumpy, huh, mistaken this young lady with one of their teacher? Still, I wish all of you guys in Ruang 11 tremendous luck :-)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Windows Phone 7 Futorial

I spent my saturday working on this thing. And after that, strolling Margo for fun.